Teaching "Islam Across Asia" for Denver-area secondary school teachers

I am excited to share the news that I will be teaching a course titled “Islam Across Asia” through the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. This course is geared towards secondary school teachers in the Denver area, but we will be meeting remotely so I think anyone interested would be welcome to join. The course runs from mid-January through early March.

For more information on this course — as well as other CAS outreach programs — please see this link. I have thoroughly enjoyed developing this course, and I look forward to working with teachers and administrators who want to educate themselves about the diversity of Muslim communities in Asia.

Talk at Boulder Bookstore on Thursday, September 12th!

I will be giving a talk on my and Carl Ernst’s book, Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan (Suluk Press, 2024) at the Boulder Bookstore on Thursday, September 12th, at 6:30 p.m. If you are in the Boulder/Denver area and want to spend some time talking about esoteric breathing techniques that circulated amongst Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Muslim mystics from the medieval period to the present day, then this gathering is for you!

The Boulder Bookstore website page for the event is HERE, the eventbrite ticket link is HERE, and the Boulder Bookstore Facebook page for the event is HERE

Essay published on Islam and cultural appropriation in the Dune franchise

I am so excited to announce that my essay on Islam and cultural appropriation in the Dune franchise was published by The Revealer!

Titled, “Layers of Dune: A Sandworm-sized Case Study of Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Science Fiction,” I lay out a few of my thoughts of how Frank Herbert uses Islam to tell his story about humanity’s far future on the desert world of Arrakis.

This essay took me quite a long time to put together, and I really appreciate the support I received from the team at Sacred Writes (especially Brook!), and of course Brett Krutzsch, editor at The Revealer for shepherding the project along from inception to publication.

I hope this is just the beginning of more and more public-facing writing on pop culture. To paraphrase a common refrain from Dune, “the [critique] must flow!”

Book published! Breathtaking Revelations for sale!

Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from the Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hasray Inayat Khan (Suluk Press, 2024) is now available!

To watch a recording of the author chat hosted by Suluk Press on April 27th, 2024, please use this link: https://vimeo.com/940416438/0995225a3f?share=copy

To order the book, please use this link from Suluk Press: https://sulukpress.com/books/breathtaking-revelations/

Breathtaking Revelations pre-orders available!

The book is (almost) here!

I am so excited to share the news that Breathtaking Revelations: The Science of Breath from The Fifty Kamarupa Verses to Hazrat Inayat Khan will be published by Suluk Press this coming April. This book is a collaboration between myself and Carl Ernst, and grows out of the work that we did together while I studied under his direction for my PhD at UNC Chapel Hill. If you would like to learn more, check out the links below:

April 27th --> Author chat on Zoom (free, but registration required):


Pre-order here:


Sacred Writes

As I continue catching up on recent events, I wanted to share that I am part of the Winter 2024 Sacred Writes cohort. Funded by the Luce and ACLS foundations, Sacred Writes trains scholars of religion to do more public facing work. In January we met in Boston for three days of training, to be followed by a series of meetings with editors and continued mentorship for the next few months. I had not been back to Boston since October 2005 when we packed up for our first move to Boulder. It was great getting to take those walks down memory lane, especially going to the beautiful Boston Public Library at Copley Square.

This was an incredible training that has already helped me feel more confident about writing for newspapers, magazines, and other public facing outlets. Our training in academia tends to be very focused on learning to make very detailed arguments for other specialists, which is certainly an important skillset. At the same time, how many people will ever read my dissertation compared to the piece I published in Humanities North Dakota about religion and science fiction? Scholars can make a huge impact by varying the types of audiences we engage with. I love me an academic conference as much as the next PhD does, but nothing compares to the energy in the room during one my presentations at Denver Fan Expo on subjects like “Religious Fundamentalism in The Mandalorian.” Reaching the public at large gives us a chance to reach a much broader audience, as well as learning what people outside of the Ivory Tower think about these subjects that are so near and dear to our hearts.

I look forward to sharing news about my journey into public scholarship over the coming months! So far, it involves learning to write in the 750-1000 word length, which is quite different from the 6000-10000 word length that we academics usually write in.

Reflections on Neurodiversity Institute

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Neurodiversity Institute at the University of Denver. This workshop took place over two days and featured a great mix of content (i.e., expert presentations on dyslexia and ADHD) as well as information on ways that faculty can access already existing resources on campus (such as the Learning Effectiveness Program and the Office of Teaching and Learning, two programs who contributed so much to the workshop). Faculty from all over DU (humanities, social sciences, STEM, business, etc.) participated, which really made for great discussions as we brainstormed ways to implement what we were learning in our respective courses.

Some basic takeaways:

  1. We have way more students with some type of disability than we think we do. 1 in 4 people in the US have some type of disability.

  2. Making accommodations to students on a case-by-case basis takes up way more bandwidth than redesigning courses with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in mind. UDL includes many things, but key examples include making sure you turn on closed caption support in Zoom and PowerPoint, hi-quality PDF’s that screen readers can easily process, as well as differentiated assessments (offering students the choice of whether to participate in class by serving as a peer note taker vs. making oral presentations), and taking advantage of UDL tools built into Canvas (these can quickly scan through your Canvas course shell and identify accessibility issues, such as pictures that have no description, or PDF’s that are untagged).

  3. Students who receive accommodations are NOT asking for an advantage over their neurotypical peers, they are asking for accommodations in order to be able to fully access course materials and participate in our courses.

  4. UDL makes things better for everyone, not just those students who receive accommodations.

  5. Research indicates that many students entering college do not request accommodations even when they received those accommodations in high school, largely because they do not think that their professors will work with them. Research also indicates that in many cases students who have this perception are correct. I can vouch for this personally, as I have had numerous students thank me for giving them the accommodations that they are guaranteed under federal law (specifically the Americans with Disability Act). 

  6. We as faculty have to be better on this, working to ensure that our students know that we will honor their accommodations (again, not really a choice, because federal law). There are lots of ways we can do this, including syllabus statements, explicitly discussing why we value UDL and explaining how we incorporate UDL into our courses, and (I think most importantly) telling students that we are open to feedback on ways to adjust the course so as to make it more accessible. It goes a long ways towards building trust with our students if we can admit that there is no quick fix to prioritizing accessibility in an ableist world, that we are doing the best we can, but we don’t know everything (I know, the horror, the horror!).

My next steps include:

(1) reading Jay Dolmage’s Academic Ableism (University of Michigan Press, 2017)

(2) reworking a few of my assessments to make them more accessible; 

(3) hopefully getting on the agenda at a department meeting to discuss what needs my colleagues have in terms of learning more about UDL;

(4) Reflecting on the intersection of UDL and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) work. 

A few more helpful links:



New academic year, but some non-academic projects in the works!

I was pretty surprised when I checked this page and saw that I had not posted anything for almost an entire year! The 2022-2023 academic year was a real challenge, I took on way too much work and really suffered for it. One upside though is that I really learned that I need to expand my work to go beyond the teaching that I am doing at universities, and reach out to engage with the general public. In that vein, there are two big projects that I am developing:

(1) online courses on religion and science fiction - whenever I posted to social media about the advanced undergraduate seminar I offer about religion and science fiction, so many of my friends asked me if they could somehow take the course, would I ever teach this for the public, etc…so I decided to tackle for the coming year. I’m planning on recording my lectures and putting together additional materials. You can check out this link to the page on my website where I will post more information as things come together.

(2) podcast on non-Eurocentric SFF: Something that I have truly enjoyed the last few years is gearing my reading towards SFF stories that are not set in some version of medieval Western Europe. There is so much more speculative fiction coming out these days that is set in Africa, Central America, South Asia, East Asia; my plan is to interview authors writing these types of stories. I will also put together episodes where we (myself and guest hosts) will do a deep dive into SFF tv and film. I think I could do ten episodes just on The Mandalorian, so there is no shortage of material!

I’m very excited about both of these projects, but I know that producing quality takes time, so I’m focused at moment on taking those first steps to build things up slowly. I look forward to posting more information as things develop!

New job at DU!

Today is my official start day for a new position as Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Denver (DU). I will be teaching a variety of courses in the Religious Studies department, including:

Intro to Islam; Islam in Film, Islam in the U.S., Islamic Mysticism, Modern Muslim Thinkers (19th-21st CE), and Religion in Science Fiction

I had a wonderful time teaching two courses in the department last academic year (Intro to Islam, Qur’an and Hadith), and am looking forward to getting to know more of the students, as well as my colleagues in the department. Last year I worked a lot with graduate students, and this year will be more focused on undergraduate courses.

Stay tuned for updates later this fall on some writing and research projects!

Conference line up for rest of 2022!

I’m excited to share a quick summary of my conference presentations for the rest of 2022. Like so many of us, I have missed the chance to see colleagues in person. Presenting my paper, “Sharing Siva’s Secret: Translating Svarodaya and Anti-Colonial Knowledge Production,” at our regional AAR in Denver this past March was so much fun, and I was surprised at how inspired I was by the experience. Since that presentation I have committed to writing a book that pulls together a few different threads in my research (hope to have more news to share on that front by the end of the year), and I am working this summer to develop the basic skills needed for a potential digital humanities project that would produce something to help future students of Arabic and Persian paleography (reading manuscripts).

Back to the conferences!

First up - I will be at Fan Expo Denver 2022 (formerly known as Denver Pop Culture Con) doing two presentations on Sunday, July 3rd:

  • “Hokey Religions” to Reality: Jediism and Fiction-Based Religious Traditions

  • This is The Way? Depicting Religious Fundamentalism in The Mandalorian

    Then I have a bit of a break until late November, when the American Academy of Religion comes to town. My two papers are:

  • One Breath, Two Aims: Classifying zikr and `ilm-i dam in early-modern Persian encyclopedias (part of a panel titled “Literary Symbols and Cultural Practices of Premodern Sufism: Recent Discoveries,“ sponsored by the Islamic Mysticism unit)

  • "Ayesha at Last" and "Hana Khan Carries On": Romance Novels and the New Adab of Muslim Self-Representation (part of a panel titled “Regimes of Muslim Subject Formation,” sponsored by the Study of Islam Unit)

Lastly, in what has to be termed a very favorable “conjunction” (astrologers understand :) the Middle Eastern Studies Association is ALSO coming to Denver, and I will be presenting:

  • “From the Subtle Body to Concrete Results: The “Science of the Breath” (`ilm-i dam) in Early-Modern Persian Occultism” (as part of a broader panel on Islamicate Occult Bodywork)

I will admit, it looks like a lot. A few of the papers overlap a bit with one another, but I am now really using the conferences as a way to motivate myself to keep reading, writing, and thinking. I have found that I benefit from rotating through different projects because it keeps things fresh. Even when I was finishing my dissertation, there were so many different parts to it that I could flow from one to the next as needed (i.e., spend one day making sure those footnotes were formatted properly, then work on translating primary sources another day, and so on). So too with my conference papers - it is so much easier for me to think about my research on using the breath for divination if I also take the time to work on this relatively new project looking at Muslim romance novels. And spending time critically analyzing Star Wars is just too much fun.

As we celebrate the longest day of the year, I look forward to having lots of great conversations with friends and colleagues (both old and new) over the next few months. As always, lots to learn!

Back in the classroom! Reflections on teaching in person for the first time in March 2020

Yesterday I taught in person for the first time in almost two years. Here in Colorado it was March 2020 when the COVID-related shutdowns hit us. Just before Spring Break, I remember taking a few minutes at the end of class with my World Mythology students at Front Range Community College to discuss what we guessed was "probably/definitely” going to happen: converting our course from in person to remote. One student even wanted to shake my hand to thank me for how much he was enjoying the course up until that point, we then all laughed — in a bit of gallows’ humor, perhaps — about how we hoped that this one handshake didn’t turn into an outbreak (and thankfully, it did not).

One key question that we discussed was whether or not we should convert to remote synchronous or asynchronous. Some students wanted us to meet synchronously because they already had time in their schedule blocked off for our class. Other students reported (both in class and privately) that they did not feel comfortable with the synchronous format because they did not have an appropriate place at their home for Zoom calls. In the end, I opted for the modality that ensured everyone had access, which was asynchronous. Was that the right decision?

Looking back over the past two years, during which time I have taught both synchronously and asynchronously, I’m still not sure. Take my preferences out of the equation - the truth is that there are some students who do better in one of those two formats than others, so there was no way to make that change from traditional in person learning to any type of remote format without essentially disenfranchising some of the students. After all, they signed up for an in person class, not a remote class. But the pandemic meant we were all making due with the “least worst” of possible choices. It was a shock to the system regardless, and I think we all muddled through as best we could. I mostly gave them full points for (virtually) showing up at all, turning in assignments, participating in discussion threads, and showing me that they were still engaging with the material.

Fast forward almost two full years, and yesterday I stepped into a classroom again. It was very strange at first. I realized how comfortable I have become with my improvised Zoom studio in my garage, complete with shoji screens to distract my audience (and myself) from the reality that I am sitting in…well, a garage, complete with boxes of Christmas ornaments, power tools, and left over floor tile all on full display on the shelves behind where I have set up a small workspace. In this new classroom, I first had to ask for help to find the classroom, then I had to figure out how to set up the class projector, then — all importantly — which way to the cafeteria? Everything worked out, except when it came to project my screen, the system that worked perfectly before class apparently decided it did not want to work during class, so I had to play audio clips using my computer’s rather modest speakers. The students didn’t seem to mind, and I reminded myself of the mantra developed over many years of teaching: “just take a breath, roll with it, it’s okay.”

After a few hours, my mask — N95 for the win!?!? — really hurt the bridge of my nose. I had met these students a few times for remote sessions earlier in the term (they all looked taller to me on Zoom, for some reason), but it was wonderful to get to see them in person. The physicality of being in person is so different. One student wore a hat with the slogan “This is native land,” and we talked about how relevant that was almost everywhere imaginable in the U.S. Another student marveled at finally being able to have a class in person, since their entire time in the degree program up until yesterday had consisted of remote learning. And I realized how hard it can be for me to remember students’ names without those handy built in name tags at the bottom of the otherwise dreaded black boxes of Zoom! Also - my handwriting has definitely degraded by several orders of magnitude — and this was already from a place where my students in the past asked me in all honesty if I was writing in English or Arabic on the board, they couldn’t quite tell the difference…or maybe they were being cheeky? But the feeling of a dry erase marker in my hand was amazing. I looked at the board, filled with notes (including where students wrote out their discussion questions), and I did think, “This is what education looks like.” Of course, it hasn’t looked like this for a long time, and all of us have adjusted as best we could to these conditions. As comfortable as I have become teaching remotely, I have to admit that teaching in person again was invigorating…even if slogging through traffic on the drive home was…less so.

Conversation with Anthony Pinn on Religion and Anti-Black Racism

This past week I had the sincere pleasure of joining Prof. Jeff Scholes (UCCS) as we hosted Prof. Anthony Pinn (Rice University) for “A Conversation on Religion and Anti-Black Racism.” During the discussion we touched on the relationship between religion and race here in the U.S., white evangelicals and Donald Trump, Pinn’s journey to eventually embracing secular humanism, and (at the end) a little bit on science fiction (specifically Octavia Butler’s classic Kindred). The whole talk runs about 90 minutes. The first 55 minutes is a discussion between Prof. Scholes, myself, and Prof. Pinn, and then we opened it up to questions posted on the YouTube live stream. You can view the recording here.

In addition to learning a great deal from the conversation, I am using this recording in my World Religions course in the units on Christianity as well as Atheism. I’ve also already heard from a number of students who attended that they learned a great deal.

Reflecting on the 20th anniversary of 9/11

I published a short essay reflecting on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This is more of a personal piece; there is great work readily available analyzing 9/11 in terms of public policy, defense strategy, efforts to deal with religious extremism, and so forth. In this essay I talk a fair amount about my personal connection to 9/11, especially in light of living through the aftermath of the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya.

This essay was originally published in UCCS Communique.

Interview on Local News Talking About Afghanistan

Today the local Colorado Springs NBC affiliate, KOAA, ran a piece on how students and educators are handling the events in Afghanistan. I was interviewed for this story, along with several UCCS students. Wonderful to see KOAA on campus, and to see our students sharing their views. I’m thankful for my many mentors who have modeled what it looks like to speak to the public on important issues.

Here is a link to the video, and here is a link to a text-only version of the story.

On Teaching Full-Time

Today is the first day of the semester, and as always, I am very excited to get going. After weeks of wondering what a particular class will be like, what kinds of questions the students will come up with, and wondering how on earth to finish all that grading, I finally get to just move forward and do it. In addition to all of the usual “first day of the semester” feelings, I also feel deeply satisfied to be back in a full-time teaching position for the first time since 2013. From 2013-2018 I was in school full-time, and my PhD program included both the usual coursework and then years of research, along with ample opportunities to teach both as a TA and teaching my own classes, but since then I’ve been on the adjunct road.

Last semester I taught at three different institutions, juggled three different e-mail addresses, three different sets of institutional deadlines (even though two of the three schools are part of the same state system…), and just in general felt like I had too many plates up in the air. A few of these proverbial plates “dropped” during the semester, which was completely predictable. Toss in everyday life, parenting, being present for and with my partner, and yes, I was relieved when the spring semester wrapped up. When one course ended, I would like “it is finished” (bonus points to you, dear reader, if you catch the reference)…and then I would quickly realize that “it” wasn’t quite finished, because there were two other sets of due dates to keep track of! This semester is different.

I have a full-time instructor position this semester. It is a “visiting” position because I am effectively filling in for another faculty member while they are on leave (taking a visiting position elsewhere), and no one knows what will happen in the future. But for this academic year, I have job security, benefits, and increased pay. On the home front, we’re talking about maybe putting a bit more money towards my student loans, and hopefully saving up a bit more. My department is incredibly supportive, and I feel very fortunate to be working with a group of people who really appreciate what I have to offer. In my experience, adjunct faculty are treated all too often as if they are simply a cog in the machine of academia. From a certain point of view, that’s all any of us are, no matter what industry or sector we work in, but it makes a huge different to me that for this year, I am valued more highly. I feel encouraged to put more into my classes, which is made possible by the fact that I don’t have as many classes to teach as last semester, and that I’m being paid so much more per class (roughly 2.5x, if my calculations based on the per credit hour rate are correct). The paycheck is part of it, but there’s a lot more beyond money. At work, I have so much more to give each and every one of the my students. At home, I know I will have more emotional space to show up for my family. In turn, this means I will have more energy to give back to the community at large, especially through volunteering. That is why I’m looking forward to this semester more than others in recent memory.

Interview on "Theory of Change" podcast with Dr. Alfredo Palacios

I’m thrilled to share the interview I did with Dr. Alfredo Palacios on “The Theory of Change” podcast. Dr. Palacios and I discussed the dynamics of religious freedom in contemporary times, as well as an examination of the interplay between colonization and religion. “The Theory of Change” podcast is aimed at people working in the healing professions, Dr. Palacios is a professor of counseling at UCCS as well as a practicing professional counselor. Enjoy!

"Reality Shifting" and Coping with COVID - Episode of The Cut

I'd like to share this recent episode of The Cut, titled "Get Out of Your Head," in which the producers discuss a variety of coping techniques they have used to deal with the incredible challenges of the past year. One of these techniques is called "reality shifting," and I was thrilled to see my former student, Alice Wilder, doing such great work in discussing this fascinating practice. My World Religions courses at UCCS are looking at New Religious Movements this week, so the timing is perfect. Alice and I touched base last year as she was working on this project, so I even get mentioned in the credits!