Lecture series through Pitkin County Senior Services
I am happy to announce that the first of several lectures introducing religious studies as a field, as well as talking about some different religious traditions, is now available online. Below are links to the Pitkin County Senior Services website (where you can browse through the different offerings), and then my “Intro to Religious Studies” lecture is available via YouTube.
In the coming weeks I will be completing general introductory lectures on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with one more specific lecture on Sufism. Lectures are all 30-45 minutes long, and include information on each tradition’s history, key institutions, rituals, holidays, and demographics. Each presentation also contains an “additional reading” section. The goal for each lecture is to provide an introductory presentation to a 101-level college course.
My colleague, Thomas DeZauche, is completing presentations on Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and indigenous traditions from North America. Once completed, these presentations will provide a nice survey for anyone interested in learning about religious traditions from around the world.
P.S. I will post to my website as more and more of the presentations become available online.